Olivia: An elven officer with a calm manner who joins up with Glen. Kenton: A dwarf with a white beard who wields a two handed axe weapon which also acts like a gun. She took this leadership from Lucretia (from previous kingdom under fire titles) She is believed to be the new leader of the Kades. Isabella: Isabella is an albino dark elf who uses an ice like sword that freezes her foes. Glen joined the army where he could be at home and his skills appreciated. Glen: Son of Gerald and Ellen, Glen is a quarter elf so he lives longer than Humans, it is because of this that Humans have come to hate him because he outlives them. He uses a mutated version of his massive sword from the previous game. Regnier can now overpower ogres completely, easily crushing their skulls with his foot. He is much bigger and stronger than his former self and his powers match that of his former self, however they are more devastating now. Regnier: Regnier has returned from the Dark Dimension and is now is partly mutated and thus his appearance has changed. Now with a mutation, Kendal is powerful and his strength rivals that of Regnier's. He wields a long hammer and mace and will no doubt use them in Kingdom Under Fire II. Kendal is an Ecclesian and has strong faith in the tenets of his faith. Kendal: Confirmed by Blueside to have a more important storyline than ever before. The game will also feature a brand new cast of playable characters, whilst other heroes from previous titles will return, which they are is yet to be confirmed. The Azillan Kendal will also make a reappearance, who after his time in the Dark Dimension underwent a mutation, now able to control himself, he is out to stop Regnier. This faction is led by Regnier (from previous Kingdom Under Fire titles) who allied himself with Encablossa during the time he was stranded in the Dark Dimension (as depicted in Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom). The story is set approximately 150 years after the events depicted in Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, the game will feature the return of The Human Alliance and Dark Legion plus a new faction - the Encablossians - whose aim is to reassert the cycle of light and Dark Ages by destroying the current Age of Light, which has already run far beyond its natural course. There will also be massive castle sieges which can be played offline and online which is a first for the series.

To assist the player in the field, a varied amount of unit types can also be brought into battle, all suited for different situations and tactics. The player selects a character and controls the combat from a third person perspective, allowing the player to take control of their character and participate in the fighting themselves. The gameplay of Kingdom Under Fire II will be similar to that of the Kingdom Under Fire games for the Xbox.